1-360-954-5049 [email protected]

Pacific NW Pump and Process Manufacturers’ Representatives

Serving Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and British Columbia

At Pacific NW Pumps & Process, we take great pride as a manufacturers’ representative for high-quality equipment, custom-engineered solutions, and systems integration serving the Northwest region of the US and Canada. Our specialty is providing customers with solutions for their most challenging applications in manufacturing, food processing, industrial water and wastewater treatment, mining, oil and gas processing, power generation, and pulp and paper industries.

CUSTOMERS: Some of the very best industrial manufacturers have selected us to represent their company due to our extensive industry knowledge, technical expertise and superior customer relationships in the region. We serve distribution, OEM, and direct sales channels.

MANUFACTURERS: If you are seeking experienced representation for your company, we are open to considering complementary product lines. Contact us today.

MixPro at Mill Site


Visit our manufacturers’ page to discover the quality brands we sell and support.


Visit our products page to learn more about our manufacturers’ products.


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